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Rhea + Yuvraj: A Familiar Feeling

Rhea + Yuvraj: A Familiar Feeling

A story by Joseph Radhik, Shivali Chopra, Anupa Rao, Mohamed Jameer, Harsha Bathija & Yesubabu Gollapalli celebrating the love of Rhea & Yuvraj.

Rhea Yuvraj's wedding was one where we didn't feel like we were photographing a ‘wedding’ but were actually part of the family. The love and warmth between the couple and the family was something that we experienced first hand. We can happily say that this is one wedding where the barrier between subject and photographer was broken and we were all in it, right in the middle of the action. You can see it in the photo of the dad reacting to the bride and groom’s performance or the moment where all the friends got together to tear the Grooms kurta during haldi.

P.S. There might even be a behind the scene photo, where the family made us dance and took the camera to photograph it :D But we shall save it for another time ;)

Meher + Angad: Eternally Yours

Meher + Angad: Eternally Yours

Dipika + Dinesh: To Forever

Dipika + Dinesh: To Forever