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Eva + Prashant: Modern Love

Eva + Prashant: Modern Love

A story shot by Noel David, Raj Mohapatra, Anupa Rao, Harsha Bathija and Oscar Varghese celebrating the love of Eva & Prashant.

We were invited to Ahmedabad to shoot a wedding. We walked into this one like we do every wedding, excited, nervous and happy. Although, this was different! It was a breath of fresh air! Somehow an ideal relationship unlike what we had seen in a very long time. Eva & Prashant, both incredibly happy humans in love, also probably the most calm wedding we have ever shot! While Eva wrapped up some rituals, Prashant went ahead and steamed his beautiful brides lehenga, and laid everything out for her so she wouldn’t have to look for anything! How often do we see that happen! Every relationship we encountered through this wedding just seemed so beautiful, real and fuss free. What started off with a tiny haldi, went into this absolutely fun wedding, it seemed like the day ended too soon! This whole experience felt like a giant hug!

Eva & Prashant, thank you for having us. It was our absolute pleasure.

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