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Sridevi + Yuva: Nothing Else Matters

Sridevi + Yuva: Nothing Else Matters

A story by Noel David, Shivali Chopra, Raj Mohapatra, Harsha Bathija and Oscar Varghese celebrating the love of Sridevi & Yuva.

'Gate crashing a wedding' is a term we had only heard of in Hollywood movies, but something we experienced first hand during Sridevi & Yuva's engagement. The day started with us shooting the getting ready and portraits peacefully. Little did we know what would happen when we entered the venue. The news had leaked that the two were getting engaged and fans had come to the location. This story is important, because none of this mattered to the couple. When Sridevi entered the venue, Yuva had eyes only for her. The line, "and in that moment, the rest of the world faded away" was exactly what it felt like not just during the entry, but at every point during both the engagement and their wedding. That's exactly the approach we took. We zoned in on the love between them and the bond shared by their families and the rest of the crowd fade away slowly.

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Tina + Abhishek: Love Overcomes Everything!

Shivali + Naithan: Fire in the sky

Shivali + Naithan: Fire in the sky