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Pooja + Rajesh: That Tingling Feeling

Pooja + Rajesh: That Tingling Feeling

A story by Noel David, Shivali Chopra, Oscar Varghese, Harsha Bathija & Yesubabu Gollapalli celebrating the love of Pooja and Rajesh.

Sometimes you witness a moment, sometimes you feel it to the tips of your toes. Your body responds to the happiness you see around you and that's exactly what Pooja Rajesh's photographs will make you feel.

The pre-wedding functions took place in the homes where the bride and groom had the sweetest memories of growing up. The wedding day on the other hand was a rollercoaster of emotions from the happiest smiles to the most poignant hugs and emotions. Come, witness the emotions that the family went through. We would love to know which is your favourite photograph.

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