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Pallavi + Mahesh: Merry Marry!

Pallavi + Mahesh: Merry Marry!

A story by Noel David, Allen Joseph and Anupa Rao celebrating the love of Pallavi & Mahesh.

The first time we met Pallavi & Mahesh, we knew we it was going to be a complete joyride. Their love for each other was so warm and contagious, it felt like all we had to do was place a camera in front of them and slowly the magic would just happen. The one thing Pallavi said that stayed with us, ‘around him I’m somehow always smiling, it’s so much fun’, and we saw that as the wedding celebrations unravelled. It was so much fun that we also became a part of the haldi, and got completely drenched.

Sharing their love and laughter, Pallavi and Mahesh got married amongst their closest family and friends. We came back from this wedding with our hearts filled with joy, and celebrating love with some new friends.

Sheethal + Robin: One, not Two

Sheethal + Robin: One, not Two

Varshini + Rohit: Desert Rose

Varshini + Rohit: Desert Rose